(Looks like this got written years before it got posted, somewhere around 2015.)
Got a WPT back in late October [2014]. I’ve been playing it, but it’s obviously in need of some love. Decided it was time to start major shop job instead of whatever I should have been doing.
In this case, it starts with the statement: “I’ll just take the upper playfield out in preparation for re-rubbering.” When I get the flippers out, I discover they need a rebuild. All of the rubber is old and hard, and a few lamps are out.
Right ramp has busted welds. Very dirty around pop bumpers. A massive amount of dirt near the upper left flipper, like some rubber has been getting ground up.
Start disassembling and found a couple wire ties in places that were not supposed to have wire ties.
All four flippers are egged out. You wouldn’t know it on these Stern games, since both of the ramps were still make-able shots, but there must be some flipper power missing.
Two welds are broken on the right ramp. But I have a friend who can weld enough to fix it.
Upper playfield is very dirty. I could polish it. Or I could install a new part.
I’m switching to the overly bright LED bumper caps on this game. I usually avoid this kind of mod, but in this case, the under upper-playfield area is so very dark, I think it’s called for.
So far I’ve got one ramp out and two wireforms out.
[I got it back together. I installed a new upper playfield. Probably worth it. If these aren’t clean, the “jail” lock doesn’t work right.]